Xin Jin

PhD Candidate at OSU CSE   •   :email: jin (dot) 967 (at) osu (dot) edu


Hi! :wave: I’m a PhD candidate from Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University, advised by Prof. Zhiqiang Lin. I’m also a member of OSU SecLab and NSF AI Edge Institute.

My research interests lie at the intersection of computer security and machine learning (especially on large language models). I’m excited about:

  • Automated Program Understanding: Understanding program semantics with machine learning and exploring its applications to reverse engineering tasks.
  • Mobile/IoT/Edge Security: Securing mobile/IoT/edge systems and applications by program analysis and machine learning.
  • Threat Intelligence: Collecting, interpreting, and enriching cybersecurity data to identify and mitigate potential threats and assist decision-making processes.

I was a research intern at Microsoft Research where I applied generative large language models to binary reverse engineering, mentored by Jonathan Larson, Weiwei Yang, and Mike Walker in summer 2023. I also interned at Cisco Research working with Ashish Kundu on building holistic attack graphs in edge computing in summer 2022. Before joining OSU, I obtained my bachelor degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2017 and then spent a gap year at University of Science and Technology of China and Fudan University.


May 15, 2023 I start my summer internship at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. Feel free to contact me if you are around. :smile:
Mar 3, 2023 I’m invited to serve on program committee of ISPEC 2023. Consider to submit your papers. :bookmark_tabs:
Nov 11, 2022 I attended ACM CCS 2022, made many friends and had lots of fun. :bowtie:
Aug 25, 2022 Our paper “Understanding IoT Security from a Market-Scale Perspective” has been accepted to ACM CCS’2022! :fire:
Jul 29, 2022 I successfully pass the PhD candidacy exam and become a PhD candidate. :smile:

Selected Publications

  1. arXiv
    Binary Code Summarization: Benchmarking ChatGPT/GPT-4 and Other Large Language Models
    Xin Jin, Jonathan Larson, Weiwei Yang, and Zhiqiang Lin
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09601 2023
  2. ACM CCS
    SymLM: Predicting Function Names in Stripped Binaries via Context-Sensitive Execution-Aware Code Embeddings
    Xin Jin, Kexin Pei, Jun Yeon Won, and Zhiqiang Lin
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2022
  3. ACM CCS
    Understanding IoT Security from a Market-Scale Perspective
    Xin Jin*, Sunil Manandhar*, Kaushal Kafle, Zhiqiang Lin, and Adwait Nadkarni
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2022